Columbia University Articulation Agreement

Please visit the Dean`s office for the A-228 program, teaching and evaluation or call (718) 368-5029 to learn more about transfer contracts. For more information about joint schools, please contact your campus. The following schools have joint agreements with Columbia College: The establishment of the articulation between institutions assures the community college student that she is taking the right course (s). C-ID numbers help students identify comparable courses at different community universities, even though the courses have different titles and numbers. The success of an articulation course ensures that the student and the faculty have received the necessary training and preparation at the “emission” institution in order to successfully move to the “receiving” university. In short, flexible courses help students make better course decisions, allowing them to move more quickly to their educational goals, with less cost. The articulation refers to the process of developing formal and written agreements identifying courses or courses similar to two institutions. Columbia College holds the joint at California State University and the University of California. The Marker Identification Project (C-ID) is an articulation dicta tick that ensures that similar courses at different colleges in the California Community receive the same C-ID number. The joint agreements between the college and the CSU/UC as well as the C-ID courses approved by the university are published in ASSIST ( Joint agreements are expected to establish strong relationships between two-year institutions and Columbia College in Chicago. They identify how the study or study requirements that a partner university student meets apply to the corresponding studies at Columbia.

Columbia is still interested in creating additional agreements. Please contact Holly Herrera to discuss the possibilities. Once your admission file is complete, it will be sent to the Chancellery for a formal assessment of the transfer to determine the number of transfer hours to which you are entitled. You can transfer a total of 90 hours of credit from any regionally accredited university or university. Kingsborough also aims to increase its alternating registration agreements with senior colleges to ensure that students are admitted to the four-year program if they meet the terms of the alternating agreement. The Coalition Application Curriculum Report collects information about the courses you are currently enrolled in. Please print this form and bring it to each teacher to complete the course name and current grade. Medium-term ratings are often unavailable until March 1; We will adopt this form by April 15, but we strongly recommend submitting it as soon as medium-term notes become available. Program reports must be sent electronically to The curriculum report is not required for students who are not currently enrolled in a university or who attend a school that works according to the neighbourhood system. We are here to make your transition to Columbia University perfect, and we recognize the hard work you have done to get to this point.

You can transfer a total of 90 hours of credit from any regionally accredited university or university. Kingsborough Community College (KCC) maintains and updates its transfer joint contracts with four-year institutions. A transmission sarticulation agreement is a written contract between Kingsborough Community College and a four-year college or university that includes agreed courses or programs that are transferred to that specific senior institution.