The term has been generalized to make the sentences status quo and status quo ante. Outside of this context, the term antebellum in the United States is generally related to the pre-American Civil War period, while in Europe and elsewhere, with the period before the First World War. Австрия пыталась вернуть себе Силезию, проигранную в войне за австрийское наследство восемь лет назад, но эта территория осталась в руках пруссаков. 20 . Главной причиной войны была оспариваемая китайцами граница в Гималаях. После тибетского восстания 1959 года, когда Индия предоставила убежище Далай-ламе, между двумя странами произошла серия ожесточённых пограничных столкновений[9]. If the two sides follow the five-point agreement, the next steps will be decided in the sixth round of high-level military talks, which is due to take place shortly. Another example of a war that ended the status quo ante bellum was the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom, concluded in 1814 with the Treaty of Gantout. [4] During the negotiations, British diplomats had proposed an end to the war. [5] While American diplomats demanded the surrender of Canada and British officials also pressed a pro-British Indian state in the Midwest, and part of Maine held during the war (i.e. New Ireland) [6] [7], the final treaty left neither profits nor losses on land for the United States or the Canadian colonies of the United Kingdom. The seven-year war between Prussia and Austria lasted from 1756 to 1763 and ended in the status quo ante bellum. [3] Austria was trying to recapture the region of Silesia, lost eight years earlier in the Austrian war of succession, but the region remained in the hands of Prussia.