Craziest Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements have become a common practice among couples nowadays. It is a legal document that outlines the division of assets and spousal support in the event of a divorce. However, some prenuptial agreements are so outrageous that they make people question the sanity of those who signed them. In this article, we will take a look at some of the craziest prenuptial agreements ever made.

1. The No Baby Mama Clause

In 2016, American rapper Future and his then-fiancée Ciara signed a prenuptial agreement that shocked the world. The clause stated that if Ciara had a child with Future, she would forfeit her right to receive any spousal support in the event of a divorce. This clause sparked outrage among women’s rights activists who called it unfair and sexist.

2. The Doggy-Prenup

When Beth Ostrosky, a model and actress, married radio personality Howard Stern, she made sure to protect her beloved pets. Their prenuptial agreement included a clause stating that their dogs would get joint custody in case of a divorce. They also agreed to a schedule where the dogs would spend time with each of them equally.

3. The Weight Clause

In 2007, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom signed a prenuptial agreement that included a weight clause. If Khloe weighed more than 150 pounds, she would forfeit a substantial amount of money from the divorce settlement. This agreement attracted criticism from body positivity activists who called it shallow and unhealthy.

4. The Infidelity Clause

In 2008, actor Nicolas Cage and his wife Alice Kim signed a prenuptial agreement that included an infidelity clause. If either partner cheated, they would have to pay a hefty sum to the other partner as compensation. This clause shows how much celebrities value their privacy and reputation.

5. The Social Media Clause

Social media has become a part of our daily lives, and it has also influenced prenuptial agreements. In 2014, American rapper Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian signed a prenuptial agreement that included a social media clause. It stated that Kim would not post any pictures or information about their children on social media without Kanye`s permission.


Prenuptial agreements are legal documents that protect both parties in a divorce. However, some clauses can be outrageous and controlling. From weight clauses to social media clauses, celebrities have made some of the craziest prenuptial agreements. As a professional, it`s important to highlight the absurdity of these clauses while also acknowledging the importance of prenuptial agreements in protecting assets and spousal support.