Schedule of Condition Tenancy Agreement

Schedule of Condition Tenancy Agreement: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

As a landlord or tenant, you want to ensure that your rental property is well-maintained and in good condition. This is where a schedule of condition tenancy agreement becomes important. It is a document that outlines the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy and helps to avoid any disputes over damage or wear and tear at the end of the tenancy.

What is a Schedule of Condition Tenancy Agreement?

A schedule of condition tenancy agreement is a detailed inventory of the property that is done before the tenancy begins. It can include written descriptions, photographs, and videos that record the condition of the property at that time. The document is signed by both the landlord and the tenant, and it forms part of the tenancy agreement.

Why is a Schedule of Condition Tenancy Agreement Important?

A schedule of condition tenancy agreement is important because it protects both the landlord and the tenant. For landlords, it provides evidence of the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy, which can be used to compare against the condition of the property at the end of the tenancy. This helps to identify any damage that the tenant may have caused and can be used to recover the costs of repairs or replacement.

For tenants, it provides evidence that they are not responsible for any damage that was present before the start of the tenancy. It can also be used to ensure that they are not charged for any repairs or replacement that are not their responsibility.

How to Create a Schedule of Condition Tenancy Agreement

Creating a schedule of condition tenancy agreement can be a detailed process, but it is important to ensure that it is done correctly. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Create a detailed inventory of the property. This should include a detailed description of the condition of each room and any fixtures, fittings, and appliances that are provided.

Step 2: Take photographs and videos of the property. This will provide visual evidence of the condition of the property and will help to avoid any disputes over damage.

Step 3: Make sure that both the landlord and the tenant sign the document. This ensures that both parties agree to the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy.

Step 4: Keep a copy of the schedule of condition tenancy agreement for future reference. This is important in case of any disputes that may arise at the end of the tenancy.


A schedule of condition tenancy agreement is an important document that helps to protect both landlords and tenants. It provides evidence of the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy and helps to avoid any disputes over damage or wear and tear at the end of the tenancy. As a landlord or tenant, it is important to ensure that the schedule of condition tenancy agreement is created accurately and signed by both parties.